National urged to tackle lending that is payday customer lease ‘sharks’

National urged to tackle lending that is payday customer lease ‘sharks’

By customer affairs reporter Amy Bainbridge

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The government has been advised to go swiftly and toughen laws and regulations since the payday lending industry and customer leases.


  • Customer leases can easily see clients spend much more than things can be worth, and loans that are payday high rates of interest
  • Review made a number of tips for modifications to legislation, but customer teams are frustrated the national has yet to legislate modifications
  • The federal government has told the ABC the legislation may be introduced and debated this present year

A coalition of customer teams, including Selection, customer Action Law Centre and Financial Counselling Australia, come in Canberra right now to lobby for urgent legislative modifications.

“Consumer leases and loans that are payday usually directed at the absolute most vulnerable customers inside our culture,” stated Tom Godfrey from Selection.

“that which we require in Australia are tough rules that prevent these loan sharks people that are targeting truth be told can not afford to make these repayments.”

Payday advances, also called payday loans, are often significantly less than $2,000. Continue reading